- 5 resultaten
laagste prijs: € 149,99, hoogste prijs: € 259,69, gemiddelde prijs: € 195,68
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) - Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David
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£ 192,56
(ongeveer € 225,09)
verzending: € 5,611
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Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David:

Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1999, ISBN: 9789004101272

Brill, Hardcover, 326 Seiten, Publiziert: 1999-07-15T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.73 kg, Verkaufsrang: 3106754, Science, Professionals & Academics, Biography, Subjects, Books, Middle… Meer...

Gut Verzendingskosten:In stock. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 5.61) Libup
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) - Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David
bij amazon.co.uk
£ 145,81
(ongeveer € 174,30)
verzending: € 5,741
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Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David:

Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1999, ISBN: 9789004101272

Brill, Hardcover, 326 Seiten, Publiziert: 1999-07-15T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.73 kg, Verkaufsrang: 3382380, Science, Professionals & Academics, Biography, Subjects, Books, Middle… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Usually dispatched within 13 to 14 days. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 5.74) Brook Bookstore UK
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) - Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David
bij amazon.co.uk
£ 140,90
(ongeveer € 165,76)
verzending: € 5,651
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Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David:
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek


ISBN: 9789004101272

Brill, Hardcover, 326 Seiten, Publiziert: 1999-07-15T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.73 kg, Verkaufsrang: 3269519, Science, Professionals & Academics, Biography, Subjects, Books, Middle… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Usually dispatched within 13 to 14 days. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 5.65) Brook Bookstore UK
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES/HANDBUCH DER ORIENTALISTIK) - Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David
bij amazon.de
€ 259,69
verzending: € 3,001
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Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David:
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES/HANDBUCH DER ORIENTALISTIK) - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1999, ISBN: 9789004101272

BRILL ACADEMIC PUB, Gebundene Ausgabe, 310 Seiten, Publiziert: 1999-07-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 1.61 kg, Verkaufsrang: 4610199, Religionsgeschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Geist… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00)
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES/HANDBUCH DER ORIENTALISTIK) - Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David
bij amazon.de
€ 149,99
verzending: € 3,001
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Hunger, Hermann, Pingree, David:
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES/HANDBUCH DER ORIENTALISTIK) - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1999, ISBN: 9789004101272

BRILL ACADEMIC PUB, Gebundene Ausgabe, 310 Seiten, Publiziert: 1999-07-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 1.61 kg, Verkaufsrang: 4862414, Religionsgeschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Geist… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Auf Lager. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00) Ammareal - Professional

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East)

Astronomy and astrology, or the astral sciences, played an enormous, if not a key role in the political and religious life of the Ancient Near East, and, later, of the Greek and Roman world. This is the first comprehensive and up-to-date account of the origins of the astral sciences in the Ancient Near East.Every type of Sumerian or Akkadian text dealing with descriptive or mathematical astronomy, including many individual tablets are thoroughly dealt with. All aspects, such as the history of discovery, reconstruction, and interpretation come to the fore, accompanied by a full bibliography. At that the reader will find descriptions of astronomical contents, an explanation of their scientific meaning and the place a given genre or tablet has in the development of astronomy both within the Mesopotamian culture and outside of it. Because celestial omens are intimately related to astronomy in Mesopotamian science, these are also discussed extensively.The material is arranged both chronologically and thematically, so as to help make "Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia a reference work on the subject in its truest sense.

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia (Handbook of Oriental Studies): 44 (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789004101272
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9004101276
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 1999
Uitgever: Brill
308 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,730 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-06-01T20:59:18+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-09-26T21:30:13+02:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9004101276

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-04-10127-6, 978-90-04-10127-2
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: david pingree, david brill, unger hermann, hünger, hunger herrmann
Titel van het boek: handbuch der orientalistik, science mesopotamia, the middle east, section, handbook oriental studies, nahe, astral sciences mesopotamia, die abteilung, handbuch kehrt

Gegevens van de uitgever

Auteur: Hermann Hunger; David Pingree
Titel: Handbuch der Orientalistik; Handbuch der Orientalistik / Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia
Uitgeverij: Brill NV
303 Bladzijden
Not available (reason unspecified)


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