ISBN: 9789024730575
[ED: Buch], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Neuware - The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled 'Contemporary Chinese Philosophy' was conceive… Meer... |
ISBN: 9789024730575
The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled Contemporary Chinese Philosophy was conceived by the editor several years ago, before the … Meer... new in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten Details... |
ISBN: 9789024730575
Hardback, [PU: Springer], The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled "Contemporary Chinese Philosophy" was conceived by the editor several… Meer... Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
1982, ISBN: 9024730570
1982 Gebundene Ausgabe Philosophie, China; Christianity; confucianism; Marx; Communism; Dialogue; event; Future; IDEA; marxism; materialism; present; writing, mit Schutzumschlag 11, [PU… Meer... Buch- und Medienhandel, 14621 Schönwalde-Glien Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
ISBN: 9789024730575
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by F. J. Adelmann Hardcover | Indigo Chapters Books > Philosophy P10105, F.J. Adelmann new in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten Details... |
ISBN: 9789024730575
[ED: Buch], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Neuware - The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled 'Contemporary Chinese Philosophy' was conceive… Meer...
ISBN: 9789024730575
The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled Contemporary Chinese Philosophy was conceived by the editor several years ago, before the … Meer...
ISBN: 9789024730575
Hardback, [PU: Springer], The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled "Contemporary Chinese Philosophy" was conceived by the editor several… Meer...
1982, ISBN: 9024730570
1982 Gebundene Ausgabe Philosophie, China; Christianity; confucianism; Marx; Communism; Dialogue; event; Future; IDEA; marxism; materialism; present; writing, mit Schutzumschlag 11, [PU… Meer...
ISBN: 9789024730575
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by F. J. Adelmann Hardcover | Indigo Chapters Books > Philosophy P10105, F.J. Adelmann
Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek
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Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Contemporary Chinese Philosophy F.J. Adelmann Editor
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789024730575
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9024730570
Gebonden uitgave
Verschijningsjaar: 1982
Uitgever: Springer Netherlands Core >2 >T
246 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,537 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch
Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-05-22T17:15:22+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-02-07T10:24:50+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9024730570
ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-247-3057-0, 978-90-247-3057-5
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: adelmann, slepyan, zehnder, kolakowski
Titel van het boek: engineering fracture mechanics, martinus, contemporary chinese philosophy, nijhoff, contemporary chinese art, martinu, first philosophy, contemporary applications
Gegevens van de uitgever
Auteur: F.J. Adelmann
Titel: Martinus Nijhoff Philosophy Library; Contemporary Chinese Philosophy
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
222 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 1982-11-30
Dordrecht; NL
Taal: Engels
106,99 € (DE)
109,99 € (AT)
118,00 CHF (CH)
XX, 222 p.
BB; Hardcover, Softcover / Philosophie; Philosophie; Verstehen; China; Chinese; Christianity; Confucianism; Marx; communism; dialogue; event; future; idea; marxism; materialism; philosophy; present; writing; Philosophy; Philosophical Traditions; Philosophische Traditionen und Denkschulen; BC
Dualism in Chinese Thought and Society.- The historical Shaping of Mao Zedong’s Political Thought.- Mao’s Vision for China.- Probing China’s Soul.- Some Reflections on Mao Zedong’s Thought.- Secularism and Religion in China: The Problem of Transcendence.- Whither Contemporary Chinese Philosophy: Confucianism, Communism, or Christianity?.- On the Possibility of a Future Philosophical Dialogue between China and the West.Andere boeken die eventueel grote overeenkomsten met dit boek kunnen hebben:
Laatste soortgelijke boek:
9780470752012 Contemporary Chinese Philosophy (Mark H. Johnson)
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