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Contemporary Chinese Philosophy - F. J. Adelmann
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F. J. Adelmann:

Contemporary Chinese Philosophy - nieuw boek

ISBN: 9789024730575

[ED: Buch], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Neuware - The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled 'Contemporary Chinese Philosophy' was conceive… Meer...

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Contemporary Chinese Philosophy F.J. Adelmann Editor
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€ 109,99
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Contemporary Chinese Philosophy F.J. Adelmann Editor - nieuw boek

ISBN: 9789024730575

The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col­ lege Studies in Philosophy entitled Contemporary Chinese Philosophy was conceived by the editor several years ago, before the … Meer...

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Contemporary Chinese Philosophy - F.J. Adelmann
bij BookDepository.com
€ 188,17
verzending: € 0,001
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F.J. Adelmann:
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

ISBN: 9789024730575

Hardback, [PU: Springer], The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col lege Studies in Philosophy entitled "Contemporary Chinese Philosophy" was conceived by the editor several… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00)
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy - Adelmann, F. J. (Herausgeber)
bij Achtung-Buecher.de
€ 166,82
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Adelmann, F. J. (Herausgeber):
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1982, ISBN: 9024730570

1982 Gebundene Ausgabe Philosophie, China; Christianity; confucianism; Marx; Communism; Dialogue; event; Future; IDEA; marxism; materialism; present; writing, mit Schutzumschlag 11, [PU… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD. (EUR 0.00) MARZIES.de Buch- und Medienhandel, 14621 Schönwalde-Glien
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by F.J. Adelmann Hardcover | Indigo Chapters
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C$ 271,95
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Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by F.J. Adelmann Hardcover | Indigo Chapters - nieuw boek

ISBN: 9789024730575

Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by F. J. Adelmann Hardcover | Indigo Chapters Books > Philosophy P10105, F.J. Adelmann

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy F.J. Adelmann Editor

The idea of the present sixth volume in the Boston Col­ lege Studies in Philosophy entitled "Contemporary Chinese Philosophy" was conceived by the editor several years ago, before the current resumption of Chinese­ American political and economic amity occurred offi­ cially. Several preceding volumes in this series had studied various aspects of Marxism especially Soviet Marxism. Possibilities for dialogue between Christians and Marxists were discussed not only in the series but elsewhere too in various philosophical journals and books through the sixties and seventies. It was only a natural outcome then to wonder about the same possi­ bilities in regard to Chinese Marxism. Hence I sent off to many potential contributors - scholars in the field - the following proposal seeking papers for a volume on Contemporary Chinese Philosophy. The themes that should constitute the content of the articles were as follows: 1. How rigidly do contemporary Chinese adhere to Marxism-Leninism? Naturally this means principally the educated persons, but it might include the non-academic segment of the peop. le. By Marxism-Leninism here, J mean the contemporary Soviet brand. Hence, I do not. mean Marx's early writings or the developments of people like Kolakowski. 2 . Are they constrained to think in a kind of hori­ zontal materialism or are they open to a species of transcendence that might include the God problem or a belief in another life after this one on earth? 3.

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Contemporary Chinese Philosophy F.J. Adelmann Editor

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789024730575
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9024730570
Gebonden uitgave
Verschijningsjaar: 1982
Uitgever: Springer Netherlands Core >2 >T
246 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,537 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-05-22T17:15:22+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-02-07T10:24:50+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9024730570

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-247-3057-0, 978-90-247-3057-5
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: adelmann, slepyan, zehnder, kolakowski
Titel van het boek: engineering fracture mechanics, martinus, contemporary chinese philosophy, nijhoff, contemporary chinese art, martinu, first philosophy, contemporary applications

Gegevens van de uitgever

Auteur: F.J. Adelmann
Titel: Martinus Nijhoff Philosophy Library; Contemporary Chinese Philosophy
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
222 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 1982-11-30
Dordrecht; NL
Taal: Engels
106,99 € (DE)
109,99 € (AT)
118,00 CHF (CH)
XX, 222 p.

BB; Hardcover, Softcover / Philosophie; Philosophie; Verstehen; China; Chinese; Christianity; Confucianism; Marx; communism; dialogue; event; future; idea; marxism; materialism; philosophy; present; writing; Philosophy; Philosophical Traditions; Philosophische Traditionen und Denkschulen; BC

Dualism in Chinese Thought and Society.- The historical Shaping of Mao Zedong’s Political Thought.- Mao’s Vision for China.- Probing China’s Soul.- Some Reflections on Mao Zedong’s Thought.- Secularism and Religion in China: The Problem of Transcendence.- Whither Contemporary Chinese Philosophy: Confucianism, Communism, or Christianity?.- On the Possibility of a Future Philosophical Dialogue between China and the West.

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