1977, ISBN: 9027705356
Hardcover. Original Leineneinband mit goldbedrucktem Vorderdeckel und Buchrücken. Bibliotheksschild auf Vorderdeckel. Ecken, Kapitale und Deckel etwas berieben und bestoßen, angestaubt. B… Meer...
ebay.de avelibro 99.8, Zahlungsarten: Andere, Bar, Paypal, APPLE_PAY, Kreditkarte, Visa, Mastercard. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei, Versand zum Fixpreis, [SHT: Standardversand], 86*** Dinkelscherben, [TO: Amerika, Europa, Asien, Australien] (EUR 0.00) Details... |

1977, ISBN: 9789027705358
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[PU: Dordrecht, Boston, D. Reidel Publishing Company], XIV, 1 Blatt, 352 Seiten, 1 Blatt 22,5 x 15,5 cm Hardcover. Original Leineneinband mit goldbedrucktem Vorderdeckel und Buchrücken. B… Meer...
booklooker.de |

1977, ISBN: 9027705356
gebonden uitgave
[EAN: 9789027705358], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [SC: 0.0], [PU: Dordrecht, Boston, D. Reidel Publishing Company], PHILOSOPHIE, PHILOSOPHY, ONTOLOGY, INTERPRETATION, Jacket, XIV, 1 Bl… Meer...
ZVAB.com avelibro OHG, Dinkelscherben, Germany [72099711] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Details... |

1977, ISBN: 9027705356
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[EAN: 9789027705358], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [PU: Dordrecht, Boston, D. Reidel Publishing Company], PHILOSOPHIE, PHILOSOPHY, ONTOLOGY, INTERPRETATION, Jacket, XIV, 1 Blatt, 352 Se… Meer...
AbeBooks.de avelibro OHG, Dinkelscherben, Germany [72099711] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Details... |

1974, ISBN: 9789027705358
[PU: D. Reidel], 210 Seiten 22,5 x 15,5 cm Treatise on Basic Philosophy. Volume 2. Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth. Hardcover. Original Leineneinband. Bibliotheksaufkleber am unter… Meer...
booklooker.de |

1977, ISBN: 9027705356
Hardcover. Original Leineneinband mit goldbedrucktem Vorderdeckel und Buchrücken. Bibliotheksschild auf Vorderdeckel. Ecken, Kapitale und Deckel etwas berieben und bestoßen, angestaubt. B… Meer...

Bunge, Mario:
Treatise on Basic Philosophy Volume 3 Ontology I: The Furniture of the World - eerste uitgave1977, ISBN: 9789027705358
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[PU: Dordrecht, Boston, D. Reidel Publishing Company], XIV, 1 Blatt, 352 Seiten, 1 Blatt 22,5 x 15,5 cm Hardcover. Original Leineneinband mit goldbedrucktem Vorderdeckel und Buchrücken. B… Meer...

ISBN: 9027705356
gebonden uitgave
[EAN: 9789027705358], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [SC: 0.0], [PU: Dordrecht, Boston, D. Reidel Publishing Company], PHILOSOPHIE, PHILOSOPHY, ONTOLOGY, INTERPRETATION, Jacket, XIV, 1 Bl… Meer...

1977, ISBN: 9027705356
gebonden uitgave
[EAN: 9789027705358], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [PU: Dordrecht, Boston, D. Reidel Publishing Company], PHILOSOPHIE, PHILOSOPHY, ONTOLOGY, INTERPRETATION, Jacket, XIV, 1 Blatt, 352 Se… Meer...

1974, ISBN: 9789027705358
[PU: D. Reidel], 210 Seiten 22,5 x 15,5 cm Treatise on Basic Philosophy. Volume 2. Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth. Hardcover. Original Leineneinband. Bibliotheksaufkleber am unter… Meer...
Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek
Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth: Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth (Treatise on Basic Philosophy, 2)
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789027705358
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9027705356
Gebonden uitgave
Verschijningsjaar: 1974
Uitgever: Springer
230 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,514 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch
Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-05-22T15:43:42+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2025-01-28T21:57:46+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9027705356
ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-277-0535-6, 978-90-277-0535-8
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: mario bunge, mario bung
Titel van het boek: treatise basic philosophy volume, treatises, first philosophy, truth and interpretation, zero vol, truth value semantics, world furniture
Gegevens van de uitgever
Auteur: M. Bunge
Titel: Treatise on Basic Philosophy; Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth - Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
212 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 1974-11-30
Dordrecht; NL
Gewicht: 1,110 kg
Taal: Engels
85,59 € (DE)
87,99 € (AT)
106,60 CHF (CH)
Not available, publisher indicates OP
BB; Book; Hardcover, Softcover / Philosophie/Allgemeines, Lexika; Wissenschaftsphilosophie und -theorie; Verstehen; semantics; semantic; C; Philosophy of Science; Religion and Philosophy; Semantics; Semantik, Diskursanalyse, Stilistik; EA
Of Semantics II.- 6. Interpretation.- 1. Kinds of Interpretation.- 2. Mathematical Interpretation.- 2.1. Abstract Theory.- 2.2. Model.- 2.3. Intensional Models and Extensional Models.- 2.4. Insufficiency of Extensional Models.- 3. Factual Interpretation.- 3.1. The Need for Factual Interpretation in Science.- 3.2. How Interpretations are Assigned and What They Accomplish.- 3.3. The Factual Interpretation Maps.- 3.4. Factual Interpretation: Full and Partial.- 3.5. Generic Partially Interpreted Theories.- 3.6. Principles of Factual Interpretation.- 3.7. Factual Interpretation and Truth.- 3.8. Interpretation and Exactification.- 4. Pragmatic Aspects.- 4.1. Pragmatic Interpretation.- 4.2. The Interpretation Process.- 5. Concluding Remarks.- 7. Meaning.- 1. Babel.- 2. The Synthetic View.- 2.1. Meaning as Sense cum Reference.- 2.2. Significance.- 2.3. Significance Assignment.- 2.4. Degrees of Significance Definiteness.- 3. Meaning Invariance and Change.- 3.1. Synonymy.- 3.2. Meaning Invariance.- 3.3. Meaning Change.- 4. Factual and Empirical Meanings.- 4.1. Definitions.- 4.2. The Search for Factual Meaning.- 4.3. Shape and Role of Meaning Assumptions.- 5. Meaning et alia.- 5.1. Meaning and Testability.- 5.2. Meaning and Use.- 5.3. Meaning and Understanding.- 5.4. Factual Meaning and Covariance.- 6. Concluding Remarks.- 8. Truth.- 1. Kinds of Truth.- 1.1. Truth Bearers.- 1.2. Truth Values: Acquired.- 1.3. Quadruple Truth.- 2. Truth of Reason and Truth of Fact.- 2.1. Truth of Reason.- 2.2. Truth of Fact: The Synthetic View.- 2.3. Truth Values: Conditional.- 2.4. Truth Conditions.- 3. Degrees of Truth.- 3.1. The Problem and How to Fail to Solve It.- 3.2. Axioms.- 3.3. Topologies of SD.- 3.4. Comparing Truth Values.- 3.5. Scientific Inference.- 3.6. Comments.- 4. Truth et alia.- 4.1. Truth and Probability.- 4.2. Truth, Meaning, and Confirmation.- 4.3. Truth and Belief.- 4.4. Truth and Time.- 5. Closing Remarks.- 9. Offshoots.- 1. Extension.- 1.1. The Problem.- 1.2. Strict Extension: Definition.- 1.3. Some Consequences.- 1.4. Comparing Extensions.- 1.5. Algebraic Matters.- 1.6. Extension and Intension: the Inverse Law.- 1.7. Concluding Remarks.- 2. Vagueness.- 2.1. Meaning Vagueness.- 2.2. Extensional Vagueness.- 2.3. Structural Indefiniteness.- 3. Definite Description.- 3.1. The Received View: Criticism.- 3.2. An Elementary Analysis of Definite Descriptions.- 3.3. A Mathematical Analysis of Definite Descriptions.- 3.4. Continuation of the Analysis.- 3.5. Meaning Questions.- 3.6. Truth Questions.- 3.7. The Real Size of the Theory of Descriptions.- 10. Neighbors.- 1. Mathematics.- 1.1. The Relevance of Semantics to Mathematics.- 1.2. On Extensionalism.- 1.3. On Objectivity.- 2. Logic.- 2.1. Analyticity.- 2.2. Definition.- 2.3. Presupposition.- 3. Epistemology.- 3.1. The Status of Epistemology.- 3.2. Representation vs. Instrument and Picture.- 3.3. Objectivity vs. Subjectivity.- 3.4. The Knowing Subject.- 4. Metaphysics.- 4.1. The Metaphysical Neutrality of Language.- 4.2. The Metaphysical Neutrality of Logic.- 4.3. Metaphysical Commitments of the Semantics of Science.- 5. Parting Words.- Index of Names.- Index of Subjects.Andere boeken die eventueel grote overeenkomsten met dit boek kunnen hebben:
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