[EAN: 9789027719621], Neubuch, [SC: 21.82], [PU: Springer Netherlands], CHEMIE / GEOCHEMIE; GEOLOGIE HYDROGEOLOGIE; HYDROGEOLOGIE - HYDROLOGIE; ACID RAIN; GEOMORPHOLOGY; MAFIC; WEATHER; BIOLOGY; ECOSYSTEM; ENVIRONMENT; FORMATION; MICROORGANISM; MINERAL; MODELING; MODELLING; SOIL; TRANSPORT, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the kinetics of sil icate dissolution, and there have been major advances in computer modeling of weathering processes. 2. There has been a growing recognition of the importance of organic solutes in the weathering process, and hence of the inter-relationships between mineral weathering and the terrestrial ecosystem. 3. The impact of acid deposition ('acid rain') has been widely recognized. The processes by which acid deposition is neutral ized are closely related to the processes of normal chemical weathering; an understanding of the chemistry of weathering is thus essential for predicting the effects of acid deposition. 4. More high-qual ity data have become available on the chemical dynamics of smal I watersheds and large river systems, which represent the integrated effects of chemical weathering. 336 pp. Englisch, Books<
The Chemistry of Weathering. Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough… Meer...
The Chemistry of Weathering. Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the kinetics of sil icate dissolution, and there have been major advances in computer modeling of weathering processes. 2. There has been a growing recognition of the importance of organic solutes in the weathering process, and hence of the inter-relationships between mineral weathering and the terrestrial ecosystem. 3. The impact of acid deposition ("acid rain") has been widely recognized. The processes by which acid deposition is neutral ized are closely related to the processes of normal chemical weathering; an understanding of the chemistry of weathering is thus essential for predicting the effects of acid deposition. 4. More high-qual ity data have become available on the chemical dynamics of smal I watersheds and large river systems, which represent the integrated effects of chemical weathering.... Buch / Wissenschaft & Technik, Springer Netherlands<
23811763. Verzendingskosten:in stock, , , Voraussichtlich lieferbar in 5 Tag(en), DE. (EUR 0.00) Details...
(*) Uitverkocht betekent dat het boek is momenteel niet beschikbaar op elk van de bijbehorende platforms we zoeken.
J.I. Drever: The Chemistry of Weathering - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek
ISBN: 9789027719621
Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the … Meer...
Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the kinetics of sil icate dissolution, and there have been major advances in computer modeling of weathering processes. 2. There has been a growing recognition of the importance of organic solutes in the weathering process, and hence of the inter-relationships between mineral weathering and the terrestrial ecosystem. 3. The impact of acid deposition ("acid rain") has been widely recognized. The processes by which acid deposition is neutral ized are closely related to the processes of normal chemical weathering; an understanding of the chemistry of weathering is thus essential for predicting the effects of acid deposition. 4. More high-qual ity data have become available on the chemical dynamics of smal I watersheds and large river systems, which represent the integrated effects of chemical weathering. Books > Earth Sciences Hard cover, Springer Shop<
new in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 0.00) Details...
(*) Uitverkocht betekent dat het boek is momenteel niet beschikbaar op elk van de bijbehorende platforms we zoeken.
[EAN: 9789027719621], Neubuch, [SC: 21.82], [PU: Springer Netherlands], CHEMIE / GEOCHEMIE; GEOLOGIE HYDROGEOLOGIE; HYDROGEOLOGIE - HYDROLOGIE; ACID RAIN; GEOMORPHOLOGY; MAFIC; WEATHER; BIOLOGY; ECOSYSTEM; ENVIRONMENT; FORMATION; MICROORGANISM; MINERAL; MODELING; MODELLING; SOIL; TRANSPORT, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the kinetics of sil icate dissolution, and there have been major advances in computer modeling of weathering processes. 2. There has been a growing recognition of the importance of organic solutes in the weathering process, and hence of the inter-relationships between mineral weathering and the terrestrial ecosystem. 3. The impact of acid deposition ('acid rain') has been widely recognized. The processes by which acid deposition is neutral ized are closely related to the processes of normal chemical weathering; an understanding of the chemistry of weathering is thus essential for predicting the effects of acid deposition. 4. More high-qual ity data have become available on the chemical dynamics of smal I watersheds and large river systems, which represent the integrated effects of chemical weathering. 336 pp. Englisch, Books<
The Chemistry of Weathering. Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough… Meer...
The Chemistry of Weathering. Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the kinetics of sil icate dissolution, and there have been major advances in computer modeling of weathering processes. 2. There has been a growing recognition of the importance of organic solutes in the weathering process, and hence of the inter-relationships between mineral weathering and the terrestrial ecosystem. 3. The impact of acid deposition ("acid rain") has been widely recognized. The processes by which acid deposition is neutral ized are closely related to the processes of normal chemical weathering; an understanding of the chemistry of weathering is thus essential for predicting the effects of acid deposition. 4. More high-qual ity data have become available on the chemical dynamics of smal I watersheds and large river systems, which represent the integrated effects of chemical weathering.... Buch / Wissenschaft & Technik, Springer Netherlands<
23811763. Verzendingskosten:in stock, , , Voraussichtlich lieferbar in 5 Tag(en), DE. (EUR 0.00)
J.I. Drever: The Chemistry of Weathering - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek
ISBN: 9789027719621
Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the … Meer...
Several important developments in our understanding of the chemistry of weathering have occurred in the last few years: 1. There has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the kinetics of sil icate dissolution, and there have been major advances in computer modeling of weathering processes. 2. There has been a growing recognition of the importance of organic solutes in the weathering process, and hence of the inter-relationships between mineral weathering and the terrestrial ecosystem. 3. The impact of acid deposition ("acid rain") has been widely recognized. The processes by which acid deposition is neutral ized are closely related to the processes of normal chemical weathering; an understanding of the chemistry of weathering is thus essential for predicting the effects of acid deposition. 4. More high-qual ity data have become available on the chemical dynamics of smal I watersheds and large river systems, which represent the integrated effects of chemical weathering. Books > Earth Sciences Hard cover, Springer Shop<
new in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 0.00)
1Aangezien sommige platformen geen verzendingsvoorwaarden meedelen en deze kunnen afhangen van het land van levering, de aankoopprijs, het gewicht en de grootte van het artikel, een eventueel lidmaatschap van het platform, een rechtstreekse levering door het platform of via een derde aanbieder (Marktplaats), enz., is het mogelijk dat de door euro-boek.nl meegedeelde verzendingskosten niet overeenstemmen met deze van het aanbiedende platform.
Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek
Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - The Chemistry of Weathering
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789027719621 ISBN (ISBN-10): 9027719624 Gebonden uitgave Verschijningsjaar: 1985 Uitgever: Springer Netherlands 336 Bladzijden Gewicht: 0,666 kg Taal: eng/Englisch
Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-11-01T12:46:20+01:00 (Amsterdam) Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2021-07-08T15:51:03+02:00 (Amsterdam) ISBN/EAN: 9027719624
ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen: 90-277-1962-4, 978-90-277-1962-1 alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden: Titel van het boek: chemistry weathering
Gegevens van de uitgever
Auteur: J.I. Drever Titel: Nato Science Series C:; The Chemistry of Weathering Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland 324 Bladzijden Verschijningsjaar: 1985-03-31 Dordrecht; NL Taal: Engels 213,99 € (DE) 219,99 € (AT) 236,00 CHF (CH) Available VIII, 324 p.
Preface.- Chemical Models of Weathering in Soils.- Multicomponent Solid Solutions for Clay Minerals and Computer Modeling of Weathering Processes.- Dissolution Mechanisms of Pyroxenes and Olivines During Weathering.- The Effects of Complex-Forming Ligands on The Dissolution of Oxides and Aluminosilicates.- Kinetic Study of The Dissolution of Albite With a Continuous Flow-Through Fluidized Bed Reactor.- Interstratified Clay Minerals and Weathering Processes.- Formation of Secondary Iron Oxides in Various Environments.- Physical Conditions in Alunite Precipitation as a Secondary Mineral.- This Planet is Alive—Weathering and Biology, A Multi-Facetted Problem.- Solubilization, Transport, and Deposition of Mineral Cations by Microorganisms - Efficient Rock Weathering Agents.- Chemical Weathering and Solution Chemistry in Acid Forest Soils: Differential Influence of Soil Type, Biotic Processes, and H+ Deposition.- Proton Consumption Rates in Holocene and Present-Day Weathering of Acid Forest Soils.- Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Between Pore Waters and Minerals in the Weathering Environment.- Hydrogeochemical Constraints on Mass Balances in Forested Watersheds of the Southern Appalachians.- Past and Present Serpentinisation of Ultramafic Rocks; An Example from the Semail Ophiolite Nappe of Northern Oman.- Manganese Concentration Through Chemical Weathering of Metamorphic Rocks Under Lateritic Conditions.- River Chemistry, Geology, Geomorphology, and Soils in the Amazon and Orinoco Basins.- List of Workshop Participants.
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