ISBN: 9789027726247
Decision Theory has considerably developed in the late 1970's and the 1980's. The evolution has been so fast and far-r2aching that it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of th… Meer... Nr. 978-90-277-2624-7. Verzendingskosten:Worldwide free shipping, , DE. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
1988, ISBN: 9027726248
1988. Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 9027726248 EAN: 9789027726247 Bestell-Nr: 2090825 Bemerkungen: Ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Signatur und Stempel. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. E… Meer... antiquariat_bookfarm 99.4, Zahlungsarten: Paypal, APPLE_PAY, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express. Verzendingskosten:Versand zum Fixpreis, [SHT: Economy Delivery], 04*** Löbnitz, [TO: Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia] (EUR 11.97) Details... |
1987, ISBN: 9789027726247
[ED: Gebunden], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Decision Theory has considerably developed in … Meer... |
Risk, decision and rationality. [selected papers of a conference held in Aix-en-Provence in 1986]. - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek
1988, ISBN: 9027726248
[EAN: 9789027726247], [SC: 10.45], [PU: Springer], Ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Signatur und Stempel. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. Ex-library with stamp and library-signature… Meer... Antiquariat Bookfarm, Löbnitz, Germany [54905055] [Rating: 5 (of 5)] Verzendingskosten: EUR 10.45 Details... |
1987, ISBN: 9027726248
[EAN: 9789027726247], New book, [SC: 60.03], [PU: Springer], Books Lucky's Textbooks, Dallas, TX, U.S.A. [60577173] [Rating: 5 (of 5)] NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten: EUR 60.03 Details... |
ISBN: 9789027726247
Decision Theory has considerably developed in the late 1970's and the 1980's. The evolution has been so fast and far-r2aching that it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of th… Meer...
Munier, Bertrand R:
Risk, decision and rationality. [selected papers of a conference held in Aix-en- - gebruikt boek1988, ISBN: 9027726248
1988. Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 9027726248 EAN: 9789027726247 Bestell-Nr: 2090825 Bemerkungen: Ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Signatur und Stempel. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. E… Meer...
ISBN: 9789027726247
[ED: Gebunden], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Decision Theory has considerably developed in … Meer...
Risk, decision and rationality. [selected papers of a conference held in Aix-en-Provence in 1986]. - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek
1988, ISBN: 9027726248
[EAN: 9789027726247], [SC: 10.45], [PU: Springer], Ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Signatur und Stempel. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. Ex-library with stamp and library-signature… Meer...
1987, ISBN: 9027726248
[EAN: 9789027726247], New book, [SC: 60.03], [PU: Springer], Books
Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek
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Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Risk, Decision and Rationality
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789027726247
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9027726248
Gebonden uitgave
Verschijningsjaar: 1987
Uitgever: Kluwer Academic Publishers
722 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 1,233 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch
Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-06-19T05:17:59+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-01-25T13:57:04+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9027726248
ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-277-2624-8, 978-90-277-2624-7
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: bertrand, munier, betrand
Titel van het boek: risk decision rationality, selected papers, foundations applications decision theory, decision theory and rationality, decision theory library, utility theories, aix
Gegevens van de uitgever
Auteur: Bertrand Munier
Titel: Theory and Decision Library B; Risk, Decision and Rationality
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
708 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 1987-12-31
Dordrecht; NL
Taal: Engels
320,99 € (DE)
329,99 € (AT)
354,00 CHF (CH)
X, 708 p.
BB; Hardcover, Softcover / Wirtschaft/Allgemeines, Lexika; Unternehmensforschung; Verstehen; calculus; decision making; decision theory; modeling; production; regression; risk theory; utility theory; Operations Research and Decision Theory; Management: Entscheidungstheorie; BC
A Guide to Decision-Making Under Uncertainty.- I / Concepts and Experiments in Utility Evaluation.- Different Experimental Procedures for Obtaining Valuations of Risky Actions: Implications for Utility Theory.- Investigating Utility and Value Functions with an “Assessment Cube”.- Evaluation Questions and Income Utility.- Cardinal Utility: An Empirical Test.- A Note on the Relationships Between Utility and Value Functions.- Expected Utility Theory without Continuous Preferences.- Assessing Other People’s Utilities.- A Comment on Pr. HARSANYI’s “Assessing Other People’s Utilities”.- II / Experimental Investigations and the Expected Utility Hypotheses.- Experimental Investigations into Economic Behaviour Under Uncertainty.- “Preference Reversals” and the Theory of Decision Making under Risk.- Preponderence of the Certainty Effect Over Probability Distortion in Decision Making Under Risk.- A Model of the Influence of Certainty and Probability “Effects” on the Measurement of Utility.- III / Criticisms of Expected Utility Theory and Alternative Models.- Expected Utility Theory and Ordinalism. A Political Marriage.- The Bayesian Approach: Irreconciliable With Expected Utility Theory?.- The General Theory of Random Choices in Relation to the Invariant Cardinal Utility Function and the Specific Probability Function. The (U, ?) — Model: A General Overview.- A Large Scale Empirical Test for the Linearized Moments Model (LMM): Compatibility Between Theory and Observation.- An Axiomatic Model of Choice Under Risk Which is Compatible With the Certainty Effect.- Decision Making Under Ambiguity: A Note.- IV / The Unsolved Plurality of Models.- Cardinal Properties of “Local Utility Functions”.- A New Neo-Bernoullian Theory: The Machina Theory. A CriticalAnalysis.- Economics as Psychology: A Cognitive Assay of the French and American Schools of Risk Theory.- V / Rationality and the Logic of Decision.- A Generalisation of Rational Behaviour.- Infinite Regressions in the Optimizing Theory of Decision.- Rational Behaviour and Adaptation.- Metatickles, Ratificationism, and Newcomb-Like Problems Without Dominance.- Consequentialism and the Independence Axiom.- Dynamic Choice and Rationality.- World Bayesianism: Comments on the Hammond/McClennen Debate.- VI / Modeling and Measuring Uncertainty.- Probability in Quantum Mechanics and in Utility Theory.- Some Remarkable Properties of the Determination of a Bounded Continuous Distribution by its Moments.- On ?-Additive Priors, ?-Coherence, and the Existence of Posteriors.- A New Dichotomization for Uncertainty Models.- Risk and Flexibility in Microeconomic Production Theory: Principles and Application to Energy-Saving Investments.- Possibility Theory: Searching for Normative Foundations.- Uncertainty Aversion and Risk Aversion in Models With Non-Additive Probabilities.- A Generalized Measure of Risk Aversion, Without the Independence Axiom.- VII / Some Applications.- The Income-Replacement Ratio: An Insurance Theory Approach.- Industrial Practice of Decision Theory.- The Expected Utility Applied to Reinsurance.Andere boeken die eventueel grote overeenkomsten met dit boek kunnen hebben:
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9789400940192 Risk, Decision and Rationality (Bertrand Munier)
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