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National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste (Regulation of the Markets) - Markus Haverland
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£ 15,66
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Markus Haverland:

National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste (Regulation of the Markets) - pocketboek

1998, ISBN: 9051704542

[SR: 10032365], Paperback, [EAN: 9789051704549], Thela Thesis Publishers, Thela Thesis Publishers, Book, [PU: Thela Thesis Publishers], 1998-11-17, Thela Thesis Publishers, 268164, Intern… Meer...

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National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste - Haverland; M. Haverland; Markus Haverland
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$ 6,45
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Haverland; M. Haverland; Markus Haverland:

National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste - gebruikt boek

ISBN: 9051704542

This book examines the treatment of packaging waste: how policy has changed and how waste is regulated. It compares packaging waste policies in three major EU countries: Germany, the U.K.… Meer...

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Gebr. - National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste (Regulation and Markets)
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€ 1,41
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Gebr. - National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste (Regulation and Markets) - gebruikt boek


ISBN: 9789051704549

Letzte Aktualisierung am: 04.12.2017 12:45:56 Binding: Taschenbuch, Label: Purdue Univ Pr, Publisher: Purdue Univ Pr, medium: Taschenbuch, numberOfPages: 331, publicationDate: 1999-01-01,… Meer...

  - Nr. M09051704542. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei ab einem Warenkorbwert von 10€, 1-3 Tage, zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten
bij ZVAB.com
€ 21,00
verzending: € 5,001
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Haverland, Markus.:
National autonomy, European integration and the politics of packaging waste. - pocketboek

1999, ISBN: 9051704542

[EAN: 9789051704549], [SC: 5.0], Political Science|General, Technology|Industrial Design|Packaging, Business & Economics|Economic Conditions, Amsterdam: Thela,1999. Paperback. xviii,331 p… Meer...

  - Verzendingskosten: EUR 5.00 Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag, Amsterdam, Netherlands [18355] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
bij ZVAB.com
€ 20,95
verzending: € 5,001
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Haverland, Markus.:
National autonomy, European integration and the politics of packaging waste. - pocketboek

1999, ISBN: 9051704542

[EAN: 9789051704549], [SC: 5.0], [PU: Purdue University Press], Amsterdam: Thela,1999. Paperback. xviii,331 pp. (Regulation and Markets). Condition : very good copy. ISBN 9789051704549. K… Meer...

Verzendingskosten: EUR 5.00 Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag, Amsterdam, Netherlands [18355] [Rating: 4 (von 5)]

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789051704549
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9051704542
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 1999
331 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,649 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-06-11T02:32:36+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-09-19T08:22:55+02:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9051704542

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-5170-454-2, 978-90-5170-454-9
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: markus haverland, math eb9
Titel van het boek: packaging, politics european integration, regulation and markets, against autonomy, zero waste, nouveau programme

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Laatste soortgelijke boek:
National Autonomy, European Integration and the Politics of Packaging Waste (AWS

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