2003, ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [SC: 5.0], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], Jacket, Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2004. Hardcover. Dustjacket. 416 pp. Ills. - This is the first full-leng… Meer...
ZVAB.com Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag, Amsterdam, Netherlands [18355] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] Verzendingskosten: EUR 5.00 Details... |
2003, ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], PHILOSOPHY LOGIC LINGUISTICS, From 1870 to 1935, the first true catalogues raisonn s of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorp… Meer...
AbeBooks.de Jason Books, Auckland, AUCKL, New Zealand [64881] [Rating: 4 (von 5)] Verzendingskosten: EUR 33.64 Details... |
2003, ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], PHILOSOPHY LOGIC LINGUISTICS, From 1870 to 1935, the first true catalogues raisonn s of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorp… Meer...
AbeBooks.de Jason Books, Auckland, AUCKL, New Zealand [64881] [Rating: 3 (von 5)] Verzendingskosten: EUR 33.88 Details... |
2003, ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], PHILOSOPHY LOGIC LINGUISTICS, From 1870 to 1935, the first true catalogues raisonn s of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorp… Meer...
AbeBooks.de Jason Books, Auckland, AUCKL, New Zealand [64881] [Rating: 2 (von 5)] Verzendingskosten: EUR 32.73 Details... |
ISBN: 9789053566251
From 1870 to 1935, the first true "catalogues raisonnes" of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorporating the results of individual connoisseurs' evaluations of authenticity and qual… Meer...
BetterWorldBooks.com used in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten Details... |
2003, ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [SC: 5.0], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], Jacket, Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2004. Hardcover. Dustjacket. 416 pp. Ills. - This is the first full-leng… Meer...
Catherine Scallen:
Rembrandt, Reputation, and the Practice of Connoisseurship - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek2003, ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], PHILOSOPHY LOGIC LINGUISTICS, From 1870 to 1935, the first true catalogues raisonn s of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorp… Meer...
ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], PHILOSOPHY LOGIC LINGUISTICS, From 1870 to 1935, the first true catalogues raisonn s of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorp… Meer...
2003, ISBN: 9053566252
[EAN: 9789053566251], [PU: Amsterdam University Press], PHILOSOPHY LOGIC LINGUISTICS, From 1870 to 1935, the first true catalogues raisonn s of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorp… Meer...
ISBN: 9789053566251
From 1870 to 1935, the first true "catalogues raisonnes" of Rembrandt's paintings were produced, incorporating the results of individual connoisseurs' evaluations of authenticity and qual… Meer...
Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek
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Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Rembrandt, Reputation, and the Practice of Connoisseurship
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789053566251
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9053566252
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 2003
Uitgever: Amsterdam University Press
416 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 1,107 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch
Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2008-01-25T11:10:07+01:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-06-17T20:24:03+02:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9053566252
ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-5356-625-2, 978-90-5356-625-1
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: scallen, friedlander
Titel van het boek: connoisseurship cannabis, rembrandt amsterdam, rembrandt reputation and the practice connoisseurship, rembrandt 1606 1669
Andere boeken die eventueel grote overeenkomsten met dit boek kunnen hebben:
Laatste soortgelijke boek:
9789048503674 Rembrandt, Reputation, and the Practice of Connoisseurship (Catherine Scallen)
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