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Brill Academic Publishers:

As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL - nieuw boek

2006, ISBN: 9789004130418

This far-ranging volume offers a survey of the history of Isaiah´s interpretation over the course of two millennia, from the Septuagint and early versions, continuing through the centurie… Meer...

  - No. 14185739. Verzendingskosten:Zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 15.54)
As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL - Brill Academic Publishers
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Brill Academic Publishers:

As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

2006, ISBN: 9789004130418

This far-ranging volume offers a survey of the history of Isaiah's interpretation over the course of two millennia, from the Septuagint and early versions, continuing through the centurie… Meer...

Nr. 14185739. Verzendingskosten:, Lieferbar innerhalb von 3 Wochen, DE. (EUR 0.00)
As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL
bij Orellfuessli.ch
CHF 352,00
(ongeveer € 327,41)
verzending: € 16,741
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As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek


ISBN: 9789004130418

This far-ranging volume offers a survey of the history of Isaiah's interpretation over the course of two millennia, from the Septuagint and early versions, continuing through the centurie… Meer...

Nr. 14185739. Verzendingskosten:, wird besorgt, Lieferzeit unbekannt, zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 16.74)
As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL
bij Thalia.de
€ 208,99
verzending: € 0,001
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As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

2006, ISBN: 9789004130418

This far-ranging volume offers a survey of the history of Isaiah's interpretation over the course of two millennia, from the Septuagint and early versions, continuing through the centurie… Meer...

Nr. 14185739. Verzendingskosten:, Lieferbar innerhalb von 3 Wochen, DE. (EUR 0.00)
As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL (Sbl - Symposium, Band 27)
bij amazon.de
€ 74,45
verzending: € 3,001
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As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL (Sbl - Symposium, Band 27) - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

2006, ISBN: 9789004130418

BRILL ACADEMIC PUB, Gebundene Ausgabe, 342 Seiten, Publiziert: 2006-10-13T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 1.65 kg, Film, Kunst & Kultur, Kategorien, Bücher, Altes Testament, Bibel & Bibe… Meer...

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL (Sbl - Symposium, Band 27)

Paperback edition is available from the Society of Biblical Literature (www.sbl-site.org)

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL (Sbl - Symposium, Band 27)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789004130418
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9004130411
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 2006
Uitgever: Mathews McGinnis, Claire, Tull, Patricia K. BRILL ACADEMIC PUB
342 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,748 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-04-24T22:47:46+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2021-11-04T10:28:17+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9789004130418

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-04-13041-1, 978-90-04-13041-8
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: tull, patricia clair, brill academic publishers, wagner jan, robert harris, ross harris, williams george, robert baer, christian wagner, marvin harris, der baer, david williams, mcginnis, alan williams
Titel van het boek: who are, those who taught interpretation isaiah lxx sbl

Andere boeken die eventueel grote overeenkomsten met dit boek kunnen hebben:

Laatste soortgelijke boek:
9781589831032 As Those Who Are Taught: The Interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the Sbl Claire Mathews McGinnis Editor (Claire McGinnis, Mathews; Patricia Tull, K.)

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