2010, ISBN: 9048151317
[EAN: 9789048151318], New book, [SC: 9.54], [PU: Springer Netherlands Dez 2010], VIBRATION; CALCULUS; COMMUNICATION; COMPUTER-AIDEDDESIGN(CAD); RESONANCE; SHELLS; STRESS, This item is pri… Meer...
AbeBooks.co.uk BuchWeltWeit Inh. Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany [57449362] [Rating: 5 (of 5)] NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten: EUR 9.54 Details... |
ISBN: 9789048151318
This volume is a record of the proceedings of the Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) held at the University of Southampton in July 1997 which was held under the auspices of th… Meer...
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IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis / W. G. Price (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Solid Mechanics and Its Applications / Paperback / xiv / Englisch / 2010 / Springer Netherland / EAN 9789048151318 - pocketboek
2010, ISBN: 9789048151318
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[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Springer Netherland], This volume is a record of the proceedings of the Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) held at the University of Southampton in Jul… Meer...
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2010, ISBN: 9789048151318
[ED: Kartoniert / Broschiert], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Proceedings of the IUTAM Sympos… Meer...
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ISBN: 9789048151318
*IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis* - Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 1999 / Taschenbuch für 427.99 € / Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Technik Medien > Bücher … Meer...
Hugendubel.de 9048151317. Verzendingskosten:Shipping in 3 days, , Versandkostenfrei nach Hause oder Express-Lieferung in Ihre Buchhandlung., plus shipping costs. (EUR 7.50) Details... |
2010, ISBN: 9048151317
[EAN: 9789048151318], New book, [SC: 9.54], [PU: Springer Netherlands Dez 2010], VIBRATION; CALCULUS; COMMUNICATION; COMPUTER-AIDEDDESIGN(CAD); RESONANCE; SHELLS; STRESS, This item is pri… Meer...
ISBN: 9789048151318
This volume is a record of the proceedings of the Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) held at the University of Southampton in July 1997 which was held under the auspices of th… Meer...
IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis / W. G. Price (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Solid Mechanics and Its Applications / Paperback / xiv / Englisch / 2010 / Springer Netherland / EAN 9789048151318 - pocketboek
ISBN: 9789048151318
gebonden uitgave
[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Springer Netherland], This volume is a record of the proceedings of the Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) held at the University of Southampton in Jul… Meer...
2010, ISBN: 9789048151318
[ED: Kartoniert / Broschiert], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Proceedings of the IUTAM Sympos… Meer...
ISBN: 9789048151318
*IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis* - Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 1999 / Taschenbuch für 427.99 € / Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Technik Medien > Bücher … Meer...
Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek
Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis F.J. Fahy Editor
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789048151318
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9048151317
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 2010
Uitgever: Springer Netherlands Core >1
396 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,740 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch
Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2010-10-06T02:07:30+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-06-20T23:40:54+02:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9789048151318
ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-481-5131-7, 978-90-481-5131-8
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: fahy, lyon, price
Titel van het boek: applications statistical mechanics, statistical energy analysis, ufo symposium
Gegevens van de uitgever
Auteur: F.J. Fahy; W.G. Price
Titel: Solid Mechanics and Its Applications; IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
378 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 2010-12-08
Dordrecht; NL
Gedrukt / Gemaakt in
Taal: Engels
427,99 € (DE)
439,99 € (AT)
472,00 CHF (CH)
XIV, 378 p.
BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Technik/Maschinenbau, Fertigungstechnik; Maschinenbau: Festkörpermechanik; Verstehen; Vibration; calculus; communication; computer-aided design (CAD); resonance; shells; stress; Multibody Systems and Mechanical Vibrations; Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications; Classical Mechanics; Mathematik für Ingenieure; Klassische Mechanik; BB
Some perspectives on wave-mode duality in SEA.- Wavelength scale effects on energy propagation in structures.- On the validity domain of some high frequency energy models.- Some energy relations for mechanical systems.- The energetic mean mobility approach (EMMA).- Irregularity, damping and coupling strength in S.E.A..- An approach to the statistical energy analysis of strongly coupled systems.- The energy flow equation of continuum dynamics.- A note on conservative and non-conservative coupling.- Predictive SEA using line wave impedances.- Statistical energy analysis of beams which are line-connected to plates.- Vibrational energy flows between two plates forming an ‘L’-shape and joined by compliant and dissipative couplings.- SEA coupling factors for regular and irregular structures.- Prediction of structure borne sound of low modal density structure by using SEA.- Power-flow analysis of quasi-one-dimensional systems with distributed coupling.- The estimation of dynamic stress and strain in beams, plates and shells using strain-velocity relationships.- Statistical energy analysis of parametric resonance in structural members.- On the external input power into coupled structures.- Statistical energy analysis in view of stochastic modal analysis.- Input power modulation method.- An indicator of coupling strength between SEA subsystems.- On the calculation of confidence levels of the experimentally derived internal and coupling loss factors.- The practical implementation of SEA.- Application of statistical energy analysis (SEA) to the development of a light truck sound package.- Predicting noise transmission in a truck cabin using the statistical energy analysis approach.- Statistical energy analysis of fluid-filled pipes.- SEA for predicting the efficiency of noisereduction solutions applied to an air conditioner unit.- Statistical energy analysis of nonconservatively coupled systems and its applications to engineering.- Calculation of structure-borne sound and radiation from automotive silencers using SEA and FEM.- Sound transmission through buildings using SEA.- The relationship between transmission coefficient and coupling loss factor.- Short communication on SEA applied to ship structures.- Summary of discussions.Andere boeken die eventueel grote overeenkomsten met dit boek kunnen hebben:
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9789401591737 IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis (F.J. Fahy; W.G. Price)
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