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Technology Transfer: From Invention To Innovation (Nato Science Partnership Subseries: 4 (Closed)) - A. Inzelt
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Technology Transfer: From Invention To Innovation (Nato Science Partnership Subseries: 4 (Closed)) - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9048151821

Paperback, [EAN: 9789048151820], Springer, Springer, Book, [PU: Springer], 2010-10-22, Springer, Technology transfer has expanded rapidly over the past 20 years in Western Europe, North A… Meer...

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Technology Transfer: From Invention To Innovation (Nato Science Partnership Subseries: 4 (Closed)) - A. Inzelt
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A. Inzelt:

Technology Transfer: From Invention To Innovation (Nato Science Partnership Subseries: 4 (Closed)) - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9048151821

Paperback, [EAN: 9789048151820], Springer, Springer, Book, [PU: Springer], 2010-10-22, Springer, Technology transfer has expanded rapidly over the past 20 years in Western Europe, North A… Meer...

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Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation - Jan Hilton
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Jan Hilton:
Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation - pocketboek


ISBN: 9048151821

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Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation - A. Inzelt; Jan Hilton
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A. Inzelt; Jan Hilton:
Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9789048151820

Buch, Softcover, Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 1999, [PU: Springer], Springer, 2010

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Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation - Annamaria Inzelt; Jan Hilton
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€ 223,63
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Annamaria Inzelt; Jan Hilton:
Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9789048151820

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Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 1999, Softcover, Buch, [PU: Springer]

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation

Technology transfer has expanded rapidly over the past 20 years in Western Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim. It has been estimated that some 50% of new products and processes will originate outside the primary developer; academic and other research institutions are obvious sources of much of this new technology. In the NATO Co-operating countries, however, technology transfer is in its infancy; it is crucial for wealth creation and improvement in the quality of life that this mechanism is developed. The papers selected for inclusion in this book discuss issues related to the development of technology transfer in NATO Co-operating countries. The book identifies crucial research issues for science and technology policy researchers and, as a conclusion, offers some policy recommendations. The authors are drawn from NATO and Co-operating partner countries, from other parts of the world, and from international organisations. The focus of the book is on the institutional framework of knowledge and technology transfer; intellectual property rights as sources of information and tools for co-operation; international, national and regional aspects of knowledge and technology dissemination and diffusion; and networking. Audience: Academic institutions, research institutes, intellectual property practitioners, science and technology policy makers, technology transfer managers, high-tech industries.

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789048151820
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9048151821
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 2010
Uitgever: Springer
376 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,598 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2011-03-21T14:28:18+01:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2022-11-20T14:06:36+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9789048151820

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-481-5182-1, 978-90-481-5182-0
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: hilton
Titel van het boek: transfer, invention self, innovation technology, invention and innovation

Gegevens van de uitgever

Auteur: A. Inzelt; Jan Hilton
Titel: NATO Science Partnership Subseries: 4; Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
358 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 2010-10-22
Dordrecht; NL
Gedrukt / Gemaakt in
Taal: Engels
213,99 € (DE)
219,99 € (AT)
236,00 CHF (CH)
XIV, 358 p.

BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Wirtschaft/Volkswirtschaft; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Verstehen; Invention; growth; high-tech industries; innovation; science and technology; technology policy; Economics; Economic Growth; Innovation and Technology Management; Economic Policy; Wirtschaftswachstum; Management: Innovation; Wirtschaftspolitik, politische Ökonomie; BB; EA

Preface. Introduction. I: Knowledge Transfer and Transmission. Are Transition `Insiders' or `Outsiders' of the Knowledge-Based Economies? A. Inzelt. Knowledge and Technology Transfer; J. de Bandt. Technology-Knowledge Diffusion Patterns in the United States; L. Rausch, J.S. Bond. Technology Transfer from RTOs: Definition/Setting the Scene; G.G. Huylebroeck. On the Need of New Mechanisms for the Protection of Intellectual Property of Research Universities; P. Conceição, et al. Cyclic Cross-Border Technology Transfer for Multinational Innovations; S. Gee. II: The Best Practices of Knowledge Transfer (National and Enterprise Level). Evolution of a Successful Western European Technology Transfer Organisation; E.J. Duff, J. Hilton. Best Practice in Technology Transfer Management: Strategies for the Promotion of Innovation in Eastern Economies; T. Gering. Re-development of a Former East-Berlin Military Site into a Site of Science and Technology; H. Neumann. Facilitating the Growth of SMEs: The Strategic Role of Science Parks; G. Kiriakidis. Transforming Inventions into Innovations as a Major Concern of the Philips Research Laboratories Management: A Historical Perspective; M.J. de Vries. The Future of Research within the Biotechnology Revolution; R. Fears. III: The Role of Codified Knowledge (Patents) and Other Intellectual Property Rights. Evolving Systems of Intellectual Property Rights: Collaborative R&D as a Generator of New IP Structures; H. Cameron. How Useful are Patent Databases to SMEs as a Source of Technical Information? A. Arundel. Intellectual Property Rights: What They Are and How to Use Them; K. Hodkinson. R&D Capabilities of Eastern Asian Countries -Centering on Asian NIES; T. Hayashi. IV: Monitoring Central and East EuropeanExperiences of Knowledge Transfer during the Transition Period. Excellence and Social Relevance in Hungarian Higher Education; A. Patkós. Innovation Policy and Technology Transfer as Part of Structural Policy in Poland; T. Markowski. Technological Transformation and Organizational Changes in Ukrainian Aviation and Belorussian Electronic Industries: Two Different Strategies; I. Egorov, A. Slonimski. Barriers to Innovation in Bulgaria: Some Results of a Survey (July 1997); R. Chobanova. Protection of Intellectual Property in Romania: Exploitation of Industrial Property and Technological Transfer; M.V. Pusca, et al. Technology Transfer in Russian Industry; I. Kuznetsova. V: Ideas for Further Co-operation. Introduction. Annex: List of Participants.

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