2010, ISBN: 9048156564
[EAN: 9789048156566], Neubuch, [SC: 8.99], [PU: Springer Netherlands], DUSTYPLASMA; MHD; PLASMA; CHAOS; DYNAMICS; ELECTRODYNAMICS; PLASMAPHYSICS; TURBULENCE, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - P… Meer...
ZVAB.com AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany [51283250] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten: EUR 8.99 Details... |

2010, ISBN: 9789048156566
[ED: Softcover], [PU: Springer / Springer Netherlands], This monograph is the fIrst book exclusively devoted to Dusty and Dirty from a unifIed Electrohydrodynamical point of view, incorpo… Meer...
booklooker.de |

ISBN: 9789048156566
This monograph is the fIrst book exclusively devoted to Dusty and Dirty from a unifIed Electrohydrodynamical point of view, incorporating new Plasmas concepts of Electric Cusp-Reconnectio… Meer...
Indigo.ca new in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten Details... |

ISBN: 9789048156566
This monograph is the first book exclusively devoted to Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas with extended Electrodynamics and Gravito-Electrodynamics with Electric Mirrors. Th… Meer...
BarnesandNoble.com new in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten Details... |

2010, ISBN: 9789048156566
[ED: Kartoniert / Broschiert], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Pa… Meer...
booklooker.de |

2010, ISBN: 9048156564
[EAN: 9789048156566], Neubuch, [SC: 8.99], [PU: Springer Netherlands], DUSTYPLASMA; MHD; PLASMA; CHAOS; DYNAMICS; ELECTRODYNAMICS; PLASMAPHYSICS; TURBULENCE, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - P… Meer...

2010, ISBN: 9789048156566
[ED: Softcover], [PU: Springer / Springer Netherlands], This monograph is the fIrst book exclusively devoted to Dusty and Dirty from a unifIed Electrohydrodynamical point of view, incorpo… Meer...
ISBN: 9789048156566
This monograph is the fIrst book exclusively devoted to Dusty and Dirty from a unifIed Electrohydrodynamical point of view, incorporating new Plasmas concepts of Electric Cusp-Reconnectio… Meer...

ISBN: 9789048156566
This monograph is the first book exclusively devoted to Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas with extended Electrodynamics and Gravito-Electrodynamics with Electric Mirrors. Th… Meer...

2010, ISBN: 9789048156566
[ED: Kartoniert / Broschiert], [PU: Springer Netherlands], Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Pa… Meer...
Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek
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Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas: Gravito-Electrodynamics and EHD H. Kikuchi Author
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789048156566
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9048156564
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 2010
Uitgever: Springer Netherlands Core >1
228 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,351 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch
Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2011-05-11T23:08:01+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-10-31T10:05:30+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9789048156566
ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-481-5656-4, 978-90-481-5656-6
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: hannes alfven
Titel van het boek: dusty, dirty, electrodynamics
Gegevens van de uitgever
Auteur: H. Kikuchi
Titel: Astrophysics and Space Science Library; Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas - Gravito-Electrodynamics and EHD
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
207 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 2010-12-07
Dordrecht; NL
Gedrukt / Gemaakt in
Taal: Engels
106,99 € (DE)
109,99 € (AT)
118,00 CHF (CH)
XX, 207 p.
BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Physik, Astronomie/Astronomie; Astrophysik; Verstehen; Dusty plasma; MHD; Plasma; chaos; dynamics; electrodynamics; plasma physics; turbulence; Astrophysics; Nuclear Physics; Classical Mechanics; Atmospheric Science; Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics; Atom- und Molekularphysik; Klassische Mechanik; Meteorologie und Klimatologie (Klimaforschung); Mathematische Physik; BB
1 Introduction.- 2 Particle Dynamics of Dust: Gravito-Electrodynamics.- 3 Electric Cusp and Reconnection.- 4 Electrodynamics and Gravito-Electrodynamics of Dust in an Electric Cusp or Mirror.- 5 Critical Ionization Velocities.- 6 Joint Effects of Electric Reconnection and Critical Velocity Ionization for Collisional Gases.- 7 EHD and EMHD Transport Processes in a Charged One-Component Fluid: Single Fluid Model.- 8 EHD or EMHD for Multi-Component Dusty Plasmas.- 9 EHD Turbulence, Vortices, and Self-Organizations.- 10 Dust in Space and in the Laboratory Including Further Examples of Electric Reconnection and Critical Velocity Ionization.Andere boeken die eventueel grote overeenkomsten met dit boek kunnen hebben:
Laatste soortgelijke boek:
9789401596404 Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas als eBook Download von H. Kikuchi (H. Kikuchi)
- 9789401596404 Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas als eBook Download von H. Kikuchi (H. Kikuchi)
- 9780792368229 Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas by H. Kikuchi Hardcover | Indigo Chapters (Hiroshi Kikuchi)
- Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas. Gravito-Electrodynamics and EHD. In: Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 258. (Kikuchi, Hiroshi)
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