Vincent F. Hendricks | The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge | Taschenbuch
- nieuw boekISBN: 9789048156917
Titel: The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge | Zusatz: A view from the limit | Medium: Taschenbuch | Autor: Vincent F. Hendricks | Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert | Inhalt: xxxvii / 36… Meer...
Titel: The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge | Zusatz: A view from the limit | Medium: Taschenbuch | Autor: Vincent F. Hendricks | Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert | Inhalt: xxxvii / 367 S. / 69 s/w Illustr. | Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback | Auflage: Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2001 | Sprache: Englisch | Seiten: 408 | Reihe: Trends in Logic | Maße: 235 x 155 x 23 mm | Erschienen: 15.12.2010 | Anbieter: Faboplay. The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge A view from the limitTaschenbuch von Vincent F. Hendricks Details Autor: Vincent F. HendricksEAN: 9789048156917Einband: Kartoniert / BroschiertInhalt: xxxvii / 367 S. / 69 s/w Illustr.Ausstattung / Beilage: PaperbackAuflage: Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2001Sprache: EnglischSeiten: 408Reihe: Trends in LogicMaße: 235 x 155 x 23 mmErschienen: 15.12.2010Schlagworte: Philosophie / Allgemeines / Lexika / Epistemologie und Erkenntnistheorie / Wissenschaftsphilosophie und -theorie / Logik / Verstehen Beschreibung This is this, this ain't something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book may to some extent be viewed as the continuation of my T Doctoral thesis Epistemology, Methodology and Reliability. The dissertation was, first of all, a methodological study of the reliable performance of the AGM-axioms (Alchourr6n, Gardenfors and Makin son) of belief revision. Second of all the dissertation inclu*ed the first steps toward an epistemology for the limiting convergence of knowledge for scientific inquiry methods of both discovery and assessment. The idea of methodological reliability as a desirable property of a scientific method was introduced to me while I was a visiting Ph. D. -student at the Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, USA in 1995-96. Here I became acquainted with formal learning theory. Learning theory provides a variety of formal tools for investigating a number of important issues within epistemology, methodology and the philosophy of science. Especially with respect to the problem of induc tion, but not exclusively. The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge-a view from the limit utilizes a few concepts from formal learning theory to study problems in modal logic and epistemology. It should be duely noted that this book has virtually nothing to do with formal learning theory or inductive learning problems. Kurzbeschreibung Titel: The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge | Zusatz: A view from the limit | Medium: Taschenbuch | Autor: Vincent F. Hendricks | Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert | Inhalt: xxxvii / 367 S. / 69 s/w Illustr. | Ausstattung / Beilage: Paperback | Auflage: Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2001 | Sprache: Englisch | Seiten: 408 | Reihe: Trends in Logic | Maße: 235 x 155 x 23 mm | Erschienen: 15.12.2010 | Anbieter: Faboplay Das erwartet Sie bei Faboplay Schnelle & professionelle Abwicklung Kompetenter & unkomplizierter Service Rechnung bequem per Email Versand per Deutsche Post oder DHL Interne Faboplay Artikelnummer: 107-245-823 , von Profianbieter, Neu, Festpreisangebot, [LT: FixedPrice], Marke: Springer Netherland, Springer Netherlands, Trends in Logic, Hersteller: Springer Netherland, Springer Netherlands, Trends in Logic, Genre: Importe, Ausgabe: Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2001, Titelzusatz: A view from the limit, Schlagworte: Philosophie, Allgemeines, Lexika, Epistemologie und Erkenntnisthe, Herstellungsland und -region: Deutschland, Springer Netherland, Springer Netherlands, Trends in Logic<
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Vincent F. Hendricks:The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge: A view from the limit (Paperback)
- pocketboek 2010, ISBN: 9048156912
[EAN: 9789048156917], Neubuch, [PU: Springer, Netherlands], Language: English. Brand new Book. This is this, this ain't something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book m… Meer...
[EAN: 9789048156917], Neubuch, [PU: Springer, Netherlands], Language: English. Brand new Book. This is this, this ain't something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book may to some extent be viewed as the continuation of my T Doctoral thesis Epistemology, Methodology and Reliability. The dissertation was, first of all, a methodological study of the reliable performance of the AGM-axioms (Alchourr6n, Gardenfors and Makin son) of belief revision. Second of all the dissertation included the first steps toward an epistemology for the limiting convergence of knowledge for scientific inquiry methods of both discovery and assessment. The idea of methodological reliability as a desirable property of a scientific method was introduced to me while I was a visiting Ph. D. -student at the Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, USA in 1995-96. Here I became acquainted with formal learning theory. Learning theory provides a variety of formal tools for investigating a number of important issues within epistemology, methodology and the philosophy of science. Especially with respect to the problem of induc tion, but not exclusively. The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge-a view from the limit utilizes a few concepts from formal learning theory to study problems in modal logic and epistemology. It should be duely noted that this book has virtually nothing to do with formal learning theory or inductive learning problems. Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2001.<
| | AbeBooks.deBook Depository hard to find, London, United Kingdom [63688905] [Rating: 2 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Uitverkocht betekent dat het boek is momenteel niet beschikbaar op elk van de bijbehorende platforms we zoeken.

Vincent F. Hendricks:The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge : A view from the limit
- pocketboek 2010, ISBN: 9048156912
[EAN: 9789048156917], Neubuch, [SC: 0.0], [PU: Springer Netherlands], EPISTEMOLOGY; LOGIC; SCIENCE, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware -This is this, this ain't something else, this is this -Rober… Meer...
[EAN: 9789048156917], Neubuch, [SC: 0.0], [PU: Springer Netherlands], EPISTEMOLOGY; LOGIC; SCIENCE, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware -This is this, this ain't something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book may to some extent be viewed as the continuation of my T Doctoral thesis Epistemology, Methodology and Reliability. The dissertation was, first of all, a methodological study of the reliable performance of the AGM-axioms (Alchourr6n, Gardenfors and Makin son) of belief revision. Second of all the dissertation included the first steps toward an epistemology for the limiting convergence of knowledge for scientific inquiry methods of both discovery and assessment. The idea of methodological reliability as a desirable property of a scientific method was introduced to me while I was a visiting Ph. D. -student at the Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, USA in 1995-96. Here I became acquainted with formal learning theory. Learning theory provides a variety of formal tools for investigating a number of important issues within epistemology, methodology and the philosophy of science. Especially with respect to the problem of induc tion, but not exclusively. The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge-a view from the limit utilizes a few concepts from formal learning theory to study problems in modal logic and epistemology. It should be duely noted that this book has virtually nothing to do with formal learning theory or inductive learning problems. 408 pp. Englisch, Books<
| | ZVAB.comAHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany [51283250] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
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The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge: A view from the limit Vincent F. Hendricks Author
- nieuw boekISBN: 9789048156917
This is this, this ain't something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book may to some extent be viewed as the continuation of my T Doctoral thesis Epistemology, Methodolo… Meer...
This is this, this ain't something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book may to some extent be viewed as the continuation of my T Doctoral thesis Epistemology, Methodology and Reliability. The dissertation was, first of all, a methodological study of the reliable performance of the AGM-axioms (Alchourr6n, Gardenfors and Makin son) of belief revision. Second of all the dissertation included the first steps toward an epistemology for the limiting convergence of knowledge for scientific inquiry methods of both discovery and assessment. The idea of methodological reliability as a desirable property of a scientific method was introduced to me while I was a visiting Ph. D. -student at the Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, USA in 1995-96. Here I became acquainted with formal learning theory. Learning theory provides a variety of formal tools for investigating a number of important issues within epistemology, methodology and the philosophy of science. Especially with respect to the problem of induc tion, but not exclusively. The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge-a view from the limit utilizes a few concepts from formal learning theory to study problems in modal logic and epistemology. It should be duely noted that this book has virtually nothing to do with formal learning theory or inductive learning problems. Trade Books>Trade Paperback>Philosophy>Philosophy>Philosophy, Springer Netherlands Core >1<
| | BarnesandNoble.comnew in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten Details... |
(*) Uitverkocht betekent dat het boek is momenteel niet beschikbaar op elk van de bijbehorende platforms we zoeken.

The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge: A View from the Limit
- nieuw boekISBN: 9789048156917
This is this, this ain''t something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book may to some extent be viewed as the continuation of my T Doctoral thesis Epistemology, Methodol… Meer...
This is this, this ain''t something else, this is this -Robert De Niro, Deerhunter his book may to some extent be viewed as the continuation of my T Doctoral thesis Epistemology, Methodology and Reliability. The dissertation was, first of all, a methodological study of the reliable performance of the AGM-axioms (Alchourr6n, Gardenfors and Makin son) of belief revision. Second of all the dissertation included the first steps toward an epistemology for the limiting convergence of knowledge for scientific inquiry methods of both discovery and assessment. The idea of methodological reliability as a desirable property of a scientific method was introduced to me while I was a visiting Ph. D. -student at the Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, USA in 1995-96. Here I became acquainted with formal learning theory. Learning theory provides a variety of formal tools for investigating a number of important issues within epistemology, methodology and the philosophy of science. Especially with respect to the problem of induc tion, but not exclusively. The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge-a view from the limit utilizes a few concepts from formal learning theory to study problems in modal logic and epistemology. It should be duely noted that this book has virtually nothing to do with formal learning theory or inductive learning problems. Books > Philosophy List_Books<
| | Indigo.canew in stock. Verzendingskosten:zzgl. Versandkosten., exclusief verzendingskosten Details... |
(*) Uitverkocht betekent dat het boek is momenteel niet beschikbaar op elk van de bijbehorende platforms we zoeken.