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Euthanasia in the Netherlands : The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing - R. Cohen-Almagor
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R. Cohen-Almagor:

Euthanasia in the Netherlands : The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9048166233

[EAN: 9789048166237], Neubuch, [SC: 0.0], [PU: Springer Netherlands], MEDICALETHICS; RELIGION; ETHICS; HOSPITAL; SOCIALJUSTICE, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware -The Dutch experience has influen… Meer...

NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany [51283250] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
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€ 161,21
verzending: € 0,561
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R. Cohen-Almagor:

Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing (Paperback) - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9048166233

[EAN: 9789048166237], Neubuch, [PU: Springer, Netherlands], Language: English. Brand new Book. The Dutch experience has influenced the debate on euthanasia and death with dignity around t… Meer...

NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten: EUR 0.56 The Book Depository, London, United Kingdom [54837791] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing: 20 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20) - Cohen-Almagor, R.
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Cohen-Almagor, R.:
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing: 20 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20) - pocketboek


ISBN: 9789048166237

Springer, Paperback, Auflage: Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004, 218 Seiten, Publiziert: 2010-12-15T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Book, 0.58 kg, Business, Finance & Law, Subjects… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:In stock. Lieferung von Amazon. (EUR 5.07) Amazon.co.uk
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20, Band 20) - Cohen-Almagor, R.
bij Amazon.de (Intern. Bücher)
€ 101,09
verzending: € 3,001
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Cohen-Almagor, R.:
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20, Band 20) - pocketboek

2013, ISBN: 9789048166237

Springer, Taschenbuch, Auflage: Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004, 224 Seiten, Publiziert: 2013-10-04T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 1.14 kg, Medizin, Kategorien, Bücher, Re… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00)
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20, Band 20) - Cohen-Almagor, R.
bij Amazon.de (Intern. Bücher)
€ 106,99
verzending: € 0,001
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Cohen-Almagor, R.:
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20, Band 20) - pocketboek

2013, ISBN: 9789048166237

Springer, Taschenbuch, Auflage: Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004, 224 Seiten, Publiziert: 2013-10-04T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 1.14 kg, Medizin, Kategorien, Bücher, Re… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Auf Lager. Lieferung von Amazon. (EUR 0.00) Amazon.de

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20, Band 20)

This book is a must for anyone who wishes to understand the pitfalls of policy-making where euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are concerned. The book will be most useful in academic forums, and it will appeal to legislatures and judges who take the decisions and make the judgments necessary to protect the fabric of society in the face of technological medicine. In addition, this book is of relevance to medical doctors, ethicists, lawyers working in the field of medical law and ethics, and sociologists who are interested in end-of-life issues and social justice. Euthanasia in the Netherlands: - addresses an issue that is of growing concern in North America and Europe; - offers an interdisciplinary, compelling study in medicine, law, religion and ethics; - covers a wide range of theoretical and practical issues concerning the end of life; - considers the philosophical difficulties inherent in the concepts of medical ethics; - is not confined strictly to the philosophical realm; - is based on interviews conducted in hospitals, research centers and universities in theNetherlands- will contribute to the ongoing debate about the intricate questions of medical ethics; - deals with issues that bring scholars and students, politicians, sociologists, jurist and lawyers together.

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 20, Band 20)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789048166237
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9048166233
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 2010
Uitgever: Springer
224 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,557 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2011-02-12T12:15:56+01:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2023-04-16T12:55:42+02:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9789048166237

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-481-6623-3, 978-90-481-6623-7
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: cohen
Titel van het boek: euthanasia, ethics, the killing

Gegevens van de uitgever

Auteur: R. Cohen-Almagor
Titel: International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine; Euthanasia in the Netherlands - The Policy and Practice of Mercy Killing
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
205 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 2010-12-15
Dordrecht; NL
Gedrukt / Gemaakt in
Taal: Engels
106,99 € (DE)
109,99 € (AT)
118,00 CHF (CH)
XIII, 205 p.

BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Philosophie/Allgemeines, Lexika; Ethik und Moralphilosophie; Verstehen; Medical Ethics; Religion; ethics; hospital; social justice; Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics; Bioethics; Medical Law; Occupational Health; Bioethik; Recht des Gesundheitswesens und Medizinrecht; Arbeitsmedizin; BB

Interviews in the Netherlands (April 2002).- Index: General. Index: Court Cases.

Preliminaries: Part A: Background. 1: 2: Part B: Fieldwork. 3: Phase I: The Interviews. 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: Phase II: Interviewees' General Comments. a. b. Phase III: Updates. a. b. c. d. Part C: Conclusion. a. b. Appendix I: Appendix II: Appendix III:

From the reviews:

(Prof. Evert van Leeuwen, Faculteit der Geneeskunde, Section Philosophy and Medical Ethics, Free University of Amsterdam)

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