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Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry : A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin Volume III - Eugene S. Kryachko
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Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry : A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin Volume III - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 904816687X

[EAN: 9789048166879], Neubuch, [SC: 0.0], [PU: Springer Netherlands], BONDING; ISOTOPE; KINETICS; QUANTUMCHEMISTRY; STRUCTURE; THEORETICALCHEMISTRY, Druck auf Anfrage Neuware -Per-Olov Lö… Meer...

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Fundamental World Of Quantum Chemistry by Erkki J. Brändas Paperback | Indigo Chapters
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Fundamental World Of Quantum Chemistry by Erkki J. Brändas Paperback | Indigo Chapters - nieuw boek

ISBN: 9789048166879

Per-Olov Löwdin''s stature has been a symbol of the world of quantum theory during the past five decades, through his basic contributions to the development of the conceptual framework of… Meer...

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Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry - Erkki J. Brändas; Eugene S. Kryachko
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Erkki J. Brändas; Eugene S. Kryachko:
Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry - pocketboek


ISBN: 9789048166879

A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin Volume III, Buch, Softcover, Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2004, Per-Olov Löwdin's stature has been a symbol of the world of quantum th… Meer...

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Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry / A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin Volume III / Eugene S. Kryachko (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / xlvi / Englisch / 2010 / Springer Netherland - Kryachko, Eugene S.
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Kryachko, Eugene S.:
Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry / A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin Volume III / Eugene S. Kryachko (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / xlvi / Englisch / 2010 / Springer Netherland - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9789048166879

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[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Springer Netherland], Per-Olov Löwdin's stature has been a symbol of the world of quantum theory during the past five decades, through his basic contributions to t… Meer...

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Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry - Erkki J. Brändas; Eugene S. Kryachko
bij lehmanns.de
€ 353,09
verzending: € 0,001
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Erkki J. Brändas; Eugene S. Kryachko:
Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry - pocketboek

2010, ISBN: 9789048166879

A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin Volume III, Buch, Softcover, Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2004, [PU: Springer], Springer, 2010

Verzendingskosten:Lieferbar. (EUR 0.00)

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry

Per-Olov Löwdin's stature has been a symbol of the world of quantum theory during the past five decades, through his basic contributions to the development of the conceptual framework of Quantum Chemistry and introduction of the fundamental concepts; through a staggering number of regular summer schools, winter institutes, innumerable lectures at Uppsala, Gainesville and elsewhere, and Sanibel Symposia; by founding the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry and Advances in Quantum Chemistry; and through his vision of the possible and his optimism for the future, which has inspired generations of physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and biologists to devote their lives to molecular electronic theory and dynamics, solid state, and quantum biology. Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry: Volumes I, II and III form a collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Per-Olov Löwdin. These volumes are of interest to a broad audience of quantum, theoretical, physical, biological, and computational chemists; atomic, molecular, and condensed matter physicists; biophysicists; mathematicians working in many-body theory; and historians and philosophers of natural science. The volumes will be accessible to all levels, from students, PhD students, and postdocs to their supervisors.

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789048166879
ISBN (ISBN-10): 904816687X
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 2010
Uitgever: Springer
724 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 1,078 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2012-03-01T15:51:53+01:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-04-15T21:10:19+02:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9789048166879

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-481-6687-X, 978-90-481-6687-9
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: erkki
Titel van het boek: the quantum world, world chemistry

Gegevens van de uitgever

Auteur: Erkki J. Brändas; Eugene S. Kryachko
Titel: Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry - A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin Volume III
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
677 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 2010-12-01
Dordrecht; NL
Gedrukt / Gemaakt in
Taal: Engels
374,49 € (DE)
384,99 € (AT)
413,00 CHF (CH)
XLVI, 677 p. 51 illus.

BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Chemie/Theoretische Chemie; Quanten- und theoretische Chemie; Verstehen; bonding; isotope; kinetics; quantum chemistry; structure; theoretical chemistry; Theoretical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Physikalische Chemie; BB

Per-Olov Löwdin.- In SilicoChemistry: Past, Present and Future.- Weights of Spin and Permutational Symmetry Adapted States for Arbitrary Elementary Spins.- Schrödinger’s Wave Equation — A Lie Algebra Treatment.- On Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics.- Application of Löwdin’s Metric Matrix: Atomic Spectral Methods for Electronic Structure Calculations.- Integrals for Exponentially Correlated Four-Body Systems of General Angular Symmetry.- Appendix to “Studies in Perturbation Theory”: The Problem of Partitioning.- Treating Nonadditivity as a Perturbation: a Quasi-Particle Formalism.- Unified Approach to Intensities in Vibrational Spectroscopies via Dynamic Electromagnetic Shieldings at the Nuclei of a Molecule.- Comparison Between the Many-Body Perturbative and Green’s-Function Approaches for Calculating Electron Binding Energies and Affinities: Brueckner and Dyson Orbitals.- Quantum Chemistry, Localization, Superconductivity, and Mott-Hubbard U.- Reformulation of the Concept of Jahn-Teller Vibronic Coupling Effects in Theoretical Chemistry.- Collisions of Atoms and Molecules in External Magnetic Fields.- Effects of Orbital Overlap on Calculations of Charge Exchange in Atom-Surface Scattering.- Relativistic Quantum Chemistry of Heavy and Superheavy Elements: Fully Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Calculations for Molecules of Heavy and Transactinide Superheavy Elements.- Study of Heavy Elements by Relativistic Fock Space and Intermediate Hamiltonian Coupled Cluster Methods.- QED Effects in Heavy Elements.- Time and Time Reversal Symmetry in Quantum Chemical Kinetics.- Solute-Solvent Ineractions from QM SCRF Methods, Analysis of Group Contributions to Solvation.- The Cavity Model with a Surface Formed by Two Intersecting Spheres. An Analytical Treatment.- QuantumMechanical Calculations on Molecules Containing Positrons.- Low-Lying Ionization Potentials of B3N and Photodetachment Energies of B3N- Using The Multiconfigurational Spin Tensor Electron Propagator Method.- Understanding Alkyl Substituent Effects in R-O Bond Dissociation Reactions in Open- and Closed-Shell Systems.- Hydrogen Bonding and the Energetics of Homolytic Dissociation in Solution.- Theoretical Calculations of Kinetic Isotope Effects for a Series of Substituted Aziridines.- Exploring The Catalytic Cycle of the Hydrosylilation of Alkenes Catalyzed by Hydrido-Bridged Diplatinum Complexes Using Electronic Structure Calculation Methods.- Towards A Physical Explanation of the Periodic Table (PT) of Chemical Elements.
The interdisciplinary nature of contemporary Quantum Chemistry places it at the intersection of the well-established sciences of physics, chemistry and biology Excellent coverage for mathematicians and computational chemists Contributions dedicated to one of the most important figures in Quantum Chemistry Written to be accessible by, and of interest to, a broad audience, including chemists, physicists, biophysicists and mathematicians, historians and philosphers

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