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The Myelodysplastic Syndromes - Judit Várkonyi
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Judit Várkonyi:

The Myelodysplastic Syndromes - nieuw boek

2011, ISBN: 9400704399


NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany [51283250] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
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€ 223,62
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Judit Várkonyi:

The Myelodysplastic Syndromes - nieuw boek

2001, ISBN: 9789400704398

[ED: Buch], [PU: Springer-Verlag GmbH], Neuware - Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are the most common hematological malignancies involving mostly the elderly population. The major morbidi… Meer...

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€ 258,27
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Judit Várkonyi:
The Myelodysplastic Syndromes - nieuw boek


ISBN: 9789400704398

[ED: Buch], [PU: Springer-Verlag GmbH], Neuware - Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are the most common hematological malignancies involving mostly the elderly population. The major morbidi… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei, Versand nach Deutschland. (EUR 0.00) Buchhandlung - Bides GbR
The Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Judit Várkonyi | Buch | HC runder Rücken kaschiert | xiii | Englisch | 2011 | Springer Netherland | EAN 9789400704398 - Várkonyi, Judit
bij booklooker.de
€ 182,80
verzending: € 0,001
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Várkonyi, Judit:
The Myelodysplastic Syndromes | Judit Várkonyi | Buch | HC runder Rücken kaschiert | xiii | Englisch | 2011 | Springer Netherland | EAN 9789400704398 - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

2011, ISBN: 9789400704398

[ED: Gebunden], [PU: Springer Netherland], Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are the most common hematological malignancies involving mostly the elderly population. The major morbidity rela… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei, Versand nach Deutschland. (EUR 0.00) preigu
The Myelodysplastic Syndromes - Várkonyi, Judit (Herausgeber)
bij Achtung-Buecher.de
€ 235,39
verzending: € 0,001
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Várkonyi, Judit (Herausgeber):
The Myelodysplastic Syndromes - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

2011, ISBN: 9400704399

2011 Gebundene Ausgabe Biomedizin, Medizin / Biomedizin, Gesundheitswesen, Hämatologie, Medizin, allgemein, iron overload; myelodysplasia; refractory anemia; refractory cytopenia; targe… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD. (EUR 0.00) MARZIES.de Buch- und Medienhandel, 14621 Schönwalde-Glien

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
The Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are the most common hematological malignancies involving mostly the elderly population. The major morbidity relates to patients' symptomatic cytopenias.MDS was previously named as  "preleukemia " or " smoldering leukemia" as the lack of terminal cells in MDS and because about 25% of all cases progresses into acute myeloid leukemia.According to various reports the annual incidence of MDS ranges widely from 2-12 per 100.000, increasing to 30-50 cases per 100.000 among persons aged  70  or older. It is believed that the true incidence of MDS have been underestimated however it seems to be comparable to that for multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  In the past decade much progress had been made; we know more on the disease pathology, there is more emphasis on the care and more targeted therapy had been invested. Athors provide updated knowledge in this book on all clinically important aspects of the disease. Hot topics of our days are discussed in chapters by outstanding and well known scientists from all over the world. We would offer this product both for medical students and postgraduates as well as for all who are interested in this very exciting and fast progressing field of hematology.With this work authors should call attention on the disease for decision makers in healt care systems as well. 

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - The Myelodysplastic Syndromes

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789400704398
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9400704399
Gebonden uitgave
Verschijningsjaar: 2011
Uitgever: Springer-Verlag GmbH
286 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 0,567 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2009-09-18T22:54:50+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2023-12-06T15:45:32+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9789400704398

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
94-007-0439-9, 978-94-007-0439-8
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: varkonyi, várkonyi

Gegevens van de uitgever

Auteur: Judit Várkonyi
Titel: The Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
286 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 2011-03-12
Dordrecht; NL
Gedrukt / Gemaakt in
Taal: Engels
213,99 € (DE)
219,99 € (AT)
236,00 CHF (CH)
XIII, 286 p.

BB; Hardcover, Softcover / Medizin/Nichtklinische Fächer; Medizinische Forschung; Verstehen; iron overload; myelodysplasia; refractory anemia; refractory cytopenia; targeted therapy; Biomedical Research; Hematology; Health Sciences; Hämatologie; Medizin, allgemein; BC

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are the most common hematological malignancies involving mostly the elderly population. The major morbidity relates to patients’ symptomatic cytopenias.MDS was previously named as  “preleukemia “ or “ smoldering leukemia” as the lack of terminal cells in MDS and because about 25% of all cases progresses into acute myeloid leukemia.According to various reports the annual incidence of MDS ranges widely from 2-12 per 100.000, increasing to 30-50 cases per 100.000 among persons aged  70  or older. It is believed that the true incidence of MDS have been underestimated however it seems to be comparable to that for multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  In the past decade much progress had been made; we know more on the disease pathology, there is more emphasis on the care and more targeted therapy had been invested. Athors provide updated knowledge in this book on all clinically important aspects of the disease. Hot topics of our days are discussed in chapters by outstanding and well known scientists from all over the world. We would offer this product both for medical students and postgraduates as well as for all who are interested in this very exciting and fast progressing field of hematology.With this work authors should call attention on the disease for decision makers in healt care systems as well. 
Updated patient stratification for the different therapeutical modalities Updated disease classification Update of the available therapies Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras

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