- 5 resultaten
laagste prijs: € 284,58, hoogste prijs: € 849,99, gemiddelde prijs: € 531,96
A History of Roman Literature : from Livius Andronicus to Boethius : with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature [2-Volume Set, Complete] - Michael von Albrecht; Gareth L. Schmeling
bij AbeBooks.de
€ 451,01
verzending: € 15,081
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Michael von Albrecht; Gareth L. Schmeling:

A History of Roman Literature : from Livius Andronicus to Boethius : with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature [2-Volume Set, Complete] - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1997, ISBN: 9004107126

[EAN: 9789004107120], Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [PU: E.J. Brill, Leiden], LITERATURE, MODERN--ROMAN INFLUENCES; ROME (EMPIRE); LATIN LITERATURE; NAME LITERATURE & LITERARY BZDB428 LI… Meer...

NOT NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten: EUR 15.08 Barnaby, Oxford, United Kingdom [61397475] [Rating: 4 (von 5)]
A History of Roman Literature / From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to its Influence on World Literature: A History of Roman ... (Mnemosyne - Bibliotheca Classica Batava)
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€ 620,32
verzending: € 3,001
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A History of Roman Literature / From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to its Influence on World Literature: A History of Roman ... (Mnemosyne - Bibliotheca Classica Batava) - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1997, ISBN: 9789004107120

Bearbeitung: Schmeling, Gareth, Bearbeitung: Albrecht, Michel von, Brill NV, Gebundene Ausgabe, 891 Seiten, Publiziert: 1997-08-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 3.46 kg, Innenarchitektu… Meer...

Gut Verzendingskosten:Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3 bis 4 Tagen. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00) Books Around the World DE
bij Biblio.co.uk
$ 407,59
(ongeveer € 380,85)
verzending: € 16,511
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Michael von Albrecht; Gareth L. Schmeling:
A History of Roman Literature : from Livius Andronicus to Boethius : with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature [2-Volume Set, Complete] - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek


ISBN: 9789004107120

Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997. Hardcover. Very Good Condition. 24 x 16 x 15 cm. Dust jackets fully intact. All pages clean, crisp and fresh. Overall, very sound and presentable. Size: 24 … Meer...

Verzendingskosten: EUR 16.51 Barnaby
bij Biblio.co.uk
$ 308,00
(ongeveer € 284,58)
verzending: € 13,401
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Von Albrecht, Michael:
A History of Roman Literature: From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature (Mnemosyne, Supplements 65) [Two Volume Set] - eerste uitgave

1996, ISBN: 9789004107120

gebonden uitgave

E.J. Brill. Used - Good. 1996. 1St Edition. Hardcover. Cloth. Tall octavo. Two volume set. xviii & 1843 pp. Mild shelf wear to boards. Corners slightly bumped. Rear binding of secon… Meer...

Verzendingskosten: EUR 13.40 Powell's Bookstores Chicago
A History of Roman Literature (2 Vols.): From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature - M. von Albrecht
bij Hugendubel.de
€ 604,99
verzending: € 0,001
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M. von Albrecht:
A History of Roman Literature (2 Vols.): From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature - pocketboek

ISBN: 9789004107120

*A History of Roman Literature (2 Vols.): From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature* / gebundene Ausgabe für 604.99 € / Aus dem Bereich: … Meer...

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek
A History of Roman Literature / From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to its Influence on World Literature: A History of Roman ... (Mnemosyne - Bibliotheca Classica Batava)

Michael von Albrecht's "A History of Roman Literature," originally published in German, can rightly be seen as the counterpart to Albin Lesky's "Geschichte der Griechischen Literatur," In this monumental survey work the whole of Latin literature from Livius Andronicus up to Boethius comes to the fore. With extensive indices and bibliographies.

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - A History of Roman Literature / From Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to its Influence on World Literature: A History of Roman ... (Mnemosyne - Bibliotheca Classica Batava)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789004107120
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9004107126
Gebonden uitgave
pocket book
Verschijningsjaar: 1997
Uitgever: Albrecht, Michel von, Brill NV
950 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 3,461 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-05-24T20:17:53+02:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2025-02-02T20:31:36+01:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9004107126

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-04-10712-6, 978-90-04-10712-0
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: albrecht michael von, von schmeling, gareth schmeling, newman, von albrech
Titel van het boek: livius, world literature, literatur, history roman literature, aus, mnemosyne, andronicus, influence, the tradition boethius, the world special, gareth

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