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laagste prijs: € 62,81, hoogste prijs: € 230,68, gemiddelde prijs: € 144,49
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics - J.S.R. Chisholm; A.K. Common
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€ 213,99
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J.S.R. Chisholm; A.K. Common:

Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics - nieuw boek

ISBN: 9789027723086

William Kingdon Clifford published the paper defining his "geometric algebras" in 1878, the year before his death. Clifford algebra is a generalisation to n-dimensional space of quaternio… Meer...

Nr. 978-90-277-2308-6. Verzendingskosten:Worldwide free shipping, , zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 0.00)
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics
bij Springer.com
€ 213,99
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Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics - nieuw boek

ISBN: 9789027723086

William Kingdon Clifford published the paper defining his "geometric algebras" in 1878, the year before his death. Clifford algebra is a generalisation to n-dimensional space of quaternio… Meer...

Nr. 978-90-277-2308-6. Verzendingskosten:Worldwide free shipping, , DE. (EUR 0.00)
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics
bij BetterWorldBooks.com
€ 71,59
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Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics - gebruikt boek

ISBN: 9789027723086

William Kingdon Clifford published the paper defining his "geometric algebras" in 1878, the year before his death. Clifford algebra is a generalisation to n-dimensional space of quaternio… Meer...

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Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics. NATO Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol. 183 - J.S.R. Chisholm, A.K. Common, editors
bij AbeBooks.de
€ 62,81
verzending: € 18,791
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J.S.R. Chisholm, A.K. Common, editors:
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics. NATO Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol. 183 - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1986, ISBN: 9027723087

[EAN: 9789027723086], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: Springer], HMP MATHEMATICS PHYSICS, 616 pp., hardcover, ex library, else text clean & binding tight. - If you are reading this, this i… Meer...

NOT NEW BOOK. Verzendingskosten: EUR 18.79 Zubal-Books, Since 1961, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A. [581] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
bij alibris.co.uk
€ 73,90
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J.S.R. Chisholm, A.K. Common, Editors:
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics. Nato Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol. 183 - gebonden uitgave, pocketboek

1986, ISBN: 9789027723086

Hard cover, hmp Mathematics Physics, 616 pp., hardcover, ex library, else text clean & binding tight. -If you are reading this, this item is actually (physically) in our stock and ready f… Meer...

Verzendingskosten:exclusief verzendingskosten Cleveland, OH, Zubal Books

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Bibliografische gegevens van het best passende boek

Bijzonderheden over het boek

Gedetalleerde informatie over het boek. - Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics by J.s.r. Chisholm Hardcover | Indigo Chapters

EAN (ISBN-13): 9789027723086
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9027723087
Gebonden uitgave
Verschijningsjaar: 1986
Uitgever: J.s.r. Chisholm
616 Bladzijden
Gewicht: 1,075 kg
Taal: eng/Englisch

Boek bevindt zich in het datenbestand sinds 2007-11-01T11:01:55+01:00 (Amsterdam)
Boek voor het laatst gevonden op 2024-09-14T13:36:17+02:00 (Amsterdam)
ISBN/EAN: 9027723087

ISBN - alternatieve schrijfwijzen:
90-277-2308-7, 978-90-277-2308-6
alternatieve schrijfwijzen en verwante zoekwoorden:
Auteur van het boek: chisholm, brackx, common, david hamilton, david albert, chevalley georges, grassmann, hestenes, albert field, clifford william kingdon, deschamps 1821 1906
Titel van het boek: clifford algebras and their applications mathematical physics, deinze, clifford algebra workshop, clifford still, near algebras, asi

Gegevens van de uitgever

Auteur: J.S.R. Chisholm; A.K. Common
Titel: Nato Science Series C:; Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics
Uitgeverij: Springer; Springer Netherland
592 Bladzijden
Verschijningsjaar: 1986-07-31
Dordrecht; NL
Taal: Engels
213,99 € (DE)
219,99 € (AT)
236,00 CHF (CH)
XX, 592 p.

BB; Hardcover, Softcover / Mathematik/Analysis; Mathematische Analysis, allgemein; Verstehen; algebra; calculus; differential equation; gauge theory; mathematical physics; minimum; Analysis; Algebra; Algebra; BC

General Surveys.- A Unified Language for Mathematics and Physics.- Clifford Algebras and Spinors.- Classification of Clifford Algebras.- Pseudo-Euclidean Hurwitz Pairs and Generalized Fueter Equations.- A New Representation for Spinors in Real Clifford Algebras.- Primitive Idempotents and Indecomposable Left Ideals in Degenerate Clifford Algebras.- Spin Groups.- Groupes de Clifford et Groupes des Spineurs.- Algebres de Clifford Cr,s+ des Espaces Quadratiques Pseudo-Euclidiens standards Er,s et structures correspondantes sur les espaces de Spineurs Associes. Plongements Naturels des Quadratiques Projectives Reelles Q(E r,s) attachees aux Espaces Er,s.- Spin Groups associated with Degenerate Orthogonal Spaces.- Algebres de Clifford Separables II.- Sur une Question de Micali-Villamayor.- Clifford Analysis.- Spingroups and Spherical Monogenies.- Left Regular Polynomials in Even Dimensions, and Tensor Products of Clifford Algebras.- Spingroups and Spherical Means.- The Biregular Functions of Clifford Analysis: Some Special Topics.- Clifford Numbers and Möbius Transformations in Rn.- Mathematical Physics.- A Clifford Calculus for Physical Field Theories.- Generalized C-R Equations on Manifolds.- Integral Formulae in Complex Clifford Analysis.- Killing Vectors and Embedding of Exact Solutions in General Relativity.- From Grassmann to Clifford.- Lorentzian Applications of Pure Spinors.- The Poincaré Group.- Minimal Ideals and Clifford Algebras in the Phase Space Representation of Spin-1/2 Fields.- Some Consequences of the Clifford Algebra Approach to Physics.- Physical Models.- Algebraic Ideas in Fundamental Physics from Dirac-algebra to Superstrings.- On Two Supersymmetric Approaches to Quantum Gravity: Clifford Algebra Degeneracy v Extended Objects.- Clifford Algebra andthe Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- Representation-free Calculations in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.- Dirac Equation for Bispinor Densities.- Unified Spin Gauge Theory Models.- U(2,2) Spin-Gauge Theory Simplification by Use of the Dirac Algebra.- Spin(8) Gauge Field Theory.- Clifford Algebras, Projective Representations and Classification of Fundamental Particles.- Fermionic Clifford Algebras and Supersymmetry.- On Geometry and Physics of Staggered Lattice Fermions.- A System of Vectors and Spinors in Complex Spacetime and Their Application to Elementary Particle Physics.- Spinors as Components of the Metrical Tensor in 8-dimensional Relativity.- Multivector Solution to Harmonic Systems.- The Importance of Meaningful Conservation Equations in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics for the Sources of Classical Fields.- Electromagnetism.- Electromagnetic Theory and Network Theory using Clifford Algebra.- Remarks on Clifford Algebra in Classical Electromagnetism.- Quaternionic Formulation of Classical Electromagnetic Fields and Theory of Functions of a Biquaternion Variable.- Comparison of Clifford and Grassmann Algebras in Applications to Electromagnetics.- Generalisations of Clifford Algebra.- Symplectic Clifford Algebras.- Walsh Functions, Clifford Algebras and Cayley-Dickson Process.- Z(N)-Spin Systems and Generalised Clifford Algebras.- Generalized Clifford Algebras and Spin Lattice Systems.- Clifford Algebra, its Generalisations and Physical Applications.- Application of Clifford Algebras to *-products.- On Regular Functions of a Power-associative Hypercomplex Variable.- On a Geometric Torogonal Quantization Scheme.

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